Sunday, June 6, 2010

No news is good news

I haven't written for so long, apologies. It's been a bit of a struggle getting to it. My main (and really only) gripe about my treatments is that they are all just so time-consuming. In an already busy life, with work and a young family, treatments just absorb that the tiny morsel of disposable time that you do sometimes manage to hang on to.

My other lame excuse is that there really hasn't been much to write about. I'm perfectly well and happy and I've been going along with the weekly treatments, no change. Rest of the time, business as usual. My hair has been growing back, which was exciting for a little while, but seems to have decided to fall out again this week, which is a bit disappointing. With all the recent rain, I've been pretty happy with synthetic hair, mind you.

Because I'm finding Taxol so easy, I'm very much in the mindset of being almost done with all of this. So we booked our fabulous ski holiday in a big house with two other families - only to discover that we'd booked for exactly when I should have been doing radio therapy, which I now understand is FIVE DAYS A WEEK FOR FIVE WEEKS!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING???? I explored all options, but it really was non-negotiable. Fabulous ski holiday promptly un-booked. Very minor, in the scheme of things, but a really disappointing set back and an unwelcome reminder that I am not yet back to normal and still have a bit of work to do. We have re-booked for an earlier week, but remaining accommodation and timings available only worked for us, so very sad to have stuffed up the holiday for everyone else. But there really was no other option, no compromise possible. So time to move on, and at least look forward to the holiday we are going to have. Goodness knows we deserve it.

I've been to see my lovely radio therapy specialist, Dr Izard, a name that is probably more entertaining to English friends than Australians. I really liked him and could tell that he'd figured out what I'm all about very quickly. It really sounds like a breeze compared with chemo and I think the only pain will be having to set aside an hour every day to do it. (Apart from paying for it, that is. After Medicare and Health Fund rebates we'll still be up for about $1500, but hey, I kind of think it will be money well spent.) Thank goodness I'm self-employed (with wonderfully understanding clients), thank goodness we live just around the corner from the hospital, and thank goodness for mobile broadband. Five weeks is really nothing, after all, but I do think we might have a bit of a party at the end of it. Wanna come?


  1. Yeah! You know we love a party and what an occasion!! Can't wait till you are well and not inconvenienced by these strange and varied demands on your time. Lots of Love Lisa

  2. Sounds like progress is being made. I guess it's like taking antibiotics - you just have to finish the whole course. Affectionate hugs to all of you from all of us. Garnet, Kathryn and Charlotte.
